en.CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch icon
en.ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
en.UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
en.LaunchProgram=Launch %1
en.AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
en.AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
en.Win2kSP4orXPSP2Required=This version of GIMP requires Windows 2000 Service Pack 4, Windows XP Service Pack 2 or newer to run.
en.SetupInitializingTitle=Initializing GIMP for Windows setup...
en.TestingCheckBox=I will not bother developers if I can't get this to work
en.TestingWarning=Warning: this is an unstable version of GIMP. Do not ask for help if something doesn't work with this version.%n%nIf you do not intend to help with development, use the stable version from <http://gimp-win.sourceforge.net/stable.html>.
en.AMD64Warning=Warning: GIMP for x64 Windows is experimental, and may not work at all. You should use 32-bit version for normal work.
en.InstallOrCustomize=GIMP is now ready to be installed.
en.InstallNow=&Install now
en.TypeCompact=Compact installation
en.TypeCustom=Custom installation
en.TypeFull=Full installation
en.ComponentsBaseDescription=Main GIMP binary, required libraries and default plugins.
en.ComponentsGtkWimpDescription=Native Windows look for GIMP
en.ComponentsPython=GIMP Python extension
en.ComponentsPythonDescription=Allows you to use GIMP plugins written in Python scripting language.%nRequires Python %1 and PyGTK+ installed.
en.ComponentsTranslationsDescription=Install translations for GIMP.
en.GtkWarning=Warning: running GIMP with GTK+ run-time not included in this installer is a feature intended for advanced users.%n%nDo not expect any assistance in getting GIMP to work if you do not install the included GTK+.
en.AdditionalIcons=Additional icons:
en.AdditionalIconsDesktop=Create a &desktop icon
en.AdditionalIconsQuickLaunch=Create a &Quick Launch icon
en.ErrorChangingEnviron=There was a problem updating GIMP's environment in %1. If you get any errors loading the plug-ins, try uninstalling and re-installing GIMP.
en.SelectAssociationsInfo1=Select the file types you wish to associate with GIMP
en.SelectAssociationsInfo2=This will make selected files open in GIMP when you double-click them in Explorer.
en.SelectAssociationsSelectAll=Select &All
en.SelectAssociationsUnselectAll=Unselect &All
en.SelectAssociationsSelectUnused=Select &Unused
en.ReadyMemoAssociations=File types to associate with GIMP:
en.RemovingOldVersion=Removing previous version of GIMP.
en.RemovingOldVersionFailed=Setup was unable to remove previous GIMP version. Please uninstall it yourself before running Setup again.
en.TooManyUninstallers=GIMP %1 cannot be installed over previous GIMP versions, and Setup couldn't determine how to remove previous version automatically.%n%nPlease remove the previous version of GIMP yourself before installing this version in %2, or choose a Custom install, and select another installation folder.%n%nThe Setup will now exit.
en.SettingUpAssociations=Setting up file associations...
en.SettingUpPyGimp=Setting up environment for GIMP Python extension...
en.SettingUpEnvironment=Setting up GIMP environment...
en.LaunchGimp=Launch GIMP
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